Drupalcon Szeged 2008 - Code sprint teams http://szeged2008.drupalcon.org/taxonomy/term/60/0 Have a great idea for a code sprint project? Need help with your popular or up and coming cool contributed module? Organize goals and teams for the code sprint (August 31st, right after Drupalcon) here! en How does this go? http://szeged2008.drupalcon.org/forum/posts/how-does-go <p>I would like to take part in the code sprint (mainly because I've never done this before). Could someone enlighten me as to how this goes? I have no project proposals, but would be really happy to join a group working on a project.</p> http://szeged2008.drupalcon.org/forum/posts/how-does-go#comments Code sprint teams Fri, 29 Aug 2008 07:31:56 +0000 domas 1740 at http://szeged2008.drupalcon.org Doc sprint http://szeged2008.drupalcon.org/forum/posts/doc-sprint <p>We will be running a Doc sprint all day on the 31st in tandem with the Code sprint. There will be a <a href="http://szeged2008.drupalcon.org/program/sessions/doc-sprint-planning">planning BoF</a> on August 28 from 11am - noon in the Cisco room.</p> <p>We have plenty of tasks for everyone: coders, designers, admins, whatever. Newbies are <strong>especially</strong> wanted!</p> <p>We will include everyone not physically at the sprint by having some scheduled meeting times in the #drupal-docs IRC channel for particular topics and posting updates to the docs mail list throughout the day.</p> <p><a href="http://szeged2008.drupalcon.org/forum/posts/doc-sprint">read more</a></p> http://szeged2008.drupalcon.org/forum/posts/doc-sprint#comments Code sprint teams Fri, 22 Aug 2008 12:22:01 +0000 add1sun 1629 at http://szeged2008.drupalcon.org Pimping the crap out of Module Builder module http://szeged2008.drupalcon.org/forum/posts/pimping-crap-out-module-builder-module <p>This forum is too quiet. :) I'll start us out...</p> <p><a href="http://drupal.org/project/module_builder">Module Builder</a> is a module I wrote a couple years ago to fill in a few form fields and auto-generate some basic scaffolding for a module so you can download it and start running with it.</p> <p>My initial itch was that I couldn't remember the hook arguments and what hooks that you had to implement if you wanted to do Y task. I wanted to create a tool that would auto-generate code, formatted using best practices, and (optionally) with example code showing how the hook worked.</p> <p><a href="http://szeged2008.drupalcon.org/forum/posts/pimping-crap-out-module-builder-module">read more</a></p> http://szeged2008.drupalcon.org/forum/posts/pimping-crap-out-module-builder-module#comments Code sprint teams Wed, 02 Jul 2008 15:20:06 +0000 webchick 1190 at http://szeged2008.drupalcon.org