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Drupalcon twitter watch

You can bring your luggage to the venue if you're going directly to the airport after the last session. Luggage won't be monitored.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Wed, 08/25/2010 - 17:26
You can bring your luggage to the venue if you're going directly to the airport after the last session. Luggage won't be monitored.

connettere drupal ad altro, ma anche colegarsi a drupal da altro! #drupalcon #ita

Drupalcon twitter watch - Wed, 08/25/2010 - 17:25
connettere drupal ad altro, ma anche colegarsi a drupal da altro! #drupalcon #ita

Watching @farriss on a panel about running a #Drupal shop. Debating how much to heckle. #drupalcon

Drupalcon twitter watch - Wed, 08/25/2010 - 17:25
Watching @farriss on a panel about running a #Drupal shop. Debating how much to heckle. #drupalcon

RT @binkurzonline: ZEIT Online sucht Drupal-Entwickler und Projektleiter für Drupal-Projekte. Kontakt direkt auf der #drupalcon in Kopenhagen ist möglich.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Wed, 08/25/2010 - 17:25
RT @binkurzonline: ZEIT Online sucht Drupal-Entwickler und Projektleiter für Drupal-Projekte. Kontakt direkt auf der #drupalcon in Kopenhagen ist möglich.

@drnikki I'd have to see it to eval. No brilliance from here. Will be back at #drupalcon tomorrow.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Wed, 08/25/2010 - 17:24
@drnikki I'd have to see it to eval. No brilliance from here. Will be back at #drupalcon tomorrow.

partenza col botto. Prima domanda: chi usa #services? e poi parte riprendendo il keynote di @Dries. people connect people. #drupalcon #ita

Drupalcon twitter watch - Wed, 08/25/2010 - 17:23
partenza col botto. Prima domanda: chi usa #services? e poi parte riprendendo il keynote di @Dries. people connect people. #drupalcon #ita

Display suite looks cool. Needs more investigation. D7 version will probably be a lot better since more integrated. #drupalcon

Drupalcon twitter watch - Wed, 08/25/2010 - 16:48
Display suite looks cool. Needs more investigation. D7 version will probably be a lot better since more integrated. #drupalcon

ecco, la domanda sulle #performance di display suite è arrivata, la risposta evasiva fa sospettare :) #drupalcon #ita

Drupalcon twitter watch - Wed, 08/25/2010 - 16:47
ecco, la domanda sulle #performance di display suite è arrivata, la risposta evasiva fa sospettare :) #drupalcon #ita