The #Drupalcon Szeged organizers rock. My context/spaces presentation is already online [...] thanks guys!
Stay informed with the Drupalcon Szeged blog feed. Our most important news also appears on Planet Drupal and you can get updates through Twitter. Socialize with attendees on the #drupalcon IRC channel on
There is a train accident between Budapest and Szeged, and trains are at least 1 hour late (count with a bit more). Take an earlier train if you need to catch your flight!
Does this affect the time tables for tomorrow (sunday)? Do you have a link to more information about this (preferably in english ;-)
They expect to have it fixed today, we will update the whiteboard.
Saturday only?
Does this affect the time tables for tomorrow (sunday)? Do you have a link to more information about this (preferably in english ;-)
probably not
They expect to have it fixed today, we will update the whiteboard.