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Drupalcon twitter watch

NodeOne: Google Calendar for DrupalCon Copenhagen!

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 20:34
NodeOne: Google Calendar for DrupalCon Copenhagen!

Ok, Drupalcon CPH has its own beer and its own iPhone app - SICK! #drupal #drupalcon

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 20:24
Ok, Drupalcon CPH has its own beer and its own iPhone app - SICK! #drupal #drupalcon

Skåååål! RT @dickolsson: Checked in at our hotel in Copenhagen! Now heading for #brewww! #drupalcon

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 20:22
Skåååål! RT @dickolsson: Checked in at our hotel in Copenhagen! Now heading for #brewww! #drupalcon

Apt I rented has no Internet connection today. Not hopeful it will be fixed before end of #drupalcon. I need ideas on how to connect. Help!

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 20:19
Apt I rented has no Internet connection today. Not hopeful it will be fixed before end of #drupalcon. I need ideas on how to connect. Help!

Success. @nsyll at #drupalcon. No volcano problems this time. Have a great time man.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 20:18
Success. @nsyll at #drupalcon. No volcano problems this time. Have a great time man.

insane. #drupalcon cph has its own iPhone app - other conferences take note, this is how it should be done.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 20:00
insane. #drupalcon cph has its own iPhone app - other conferences take note, this is how it should be done.

Just packed the car for #drupalcon cph. Beer, Beer, Wodka and some less usefull things.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 19:59
Just packed the car for #drupalcon cph. Beer, Beer, Wodka and some less usefull things.

@drupalcon Any chance for an Android-app as well?

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 19:56
@drupalcon Any chance for an Android-app as well?

@BlueCharlyGirl blue :) I put blue streaks in my hair for #drupalcon was up until 4am took a long time in hotel bathroom but its drupal blue

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 19:53
@BlueCharlyGirl blue :) I put blue streaks in my hair for #drupalcon was up until 4am took a long time in hotel bathroom but its drupal blue

All that glitters is not Apple's production (but at #drupalcon)

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 19:50
All that glitters is not Apple's production (but at #drupalcon)

wow! I am just one day off drupalcon!

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 19:43
wow! I am just one day off drupalcon!

RT @mortendk: come and taste The awesomesauce and The typo3 psycho ipa today :) we start at 16.00 and ends at 22.00 ish #drupalcon

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 19:41
RT @mortendk: come and taste The awesomesauce and The typo3 psycho ipa today :) we start at 16.00 and ends at 22.00 ish #drupalcon

Just left for #drupalcon no volcanoes will keep me away this time.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 19:40
Just left for #drupalcon no volcanoes will keep me away this time.

RT @Drupal: RT @mortendk: RT @drupalcon: we printed 1000+ name badges & got a new iPhone app in a night - so the question: is DrupalCon rocking enough?

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 08/21/2010 - 19:40
RT @Drupal: RT @mortendk: RT @drupalcon: we printed 1000+ name badges & got a new iPhone app in a night - so the question: is DrupalCon rocking enough?