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Drupalcon twitter watch

Development Seed: Proost! We're Headed to DrupalCon Copenhagen: Excited to ...

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 08/20/2010 - 18:46
Development Seed: Proost! We're Headed to DrupalCon Copenhagen: Excited to ...

I always love this timeframe before #drupalcon - watching people trickle into the host city via Foursquare and Twitter.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 08/20/2010 - 18:41
I always love this timeframe before #drupalcon - watching people trickle into the host city via Foursquare and Twitter.

Nuestro jefe técnico William estará la semana que viene en el Drupalcon en Copenhague. Nos irá contando su aventura paso a paso. #Drupal

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 08/20/2010 - 18:24
Nuestro jefe técnico William estará la semana que viene en el Drupalcon en Copenhague. Nos irá contando su aventura paso a paso. #Drupal

Je vends un ticket pour le Drupalcon à Copenhague, si ça intéresse quelqu'un. Ou alors s'il a vraiment pas un rond, gratos.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 08/20/2010 - 18:23
Je vends un ticket pour le Drupalcon à Copenhague, si ça intéresse quelqu'un. Ou alors s'il a vraiment pas un rond, gratos.

I'm selling drupalcon ticket for 200€, I'm sick and I can't go to CPH. Would love to drink some awesomesauce & DC t-shirt ! #CPH #drupalcon

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 08/20/2010 - 18:21
I'm selling drupalcon ticket for 200€, I'm sick and I can't go to CPH. Would love to drink some awesomesauce & DC t-shirt ! #CPH #drupalcon

Nen #ff geht raus an @dandyjunior, weil wir gleich auf die DrupalCon fahren!

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 08/20/2010 - 18:14
Nen #ff geht raus an @dandyjunior, weil wir gleich auf die DrupalCon fahren!

I forgot to add a Google logo on my maps in the #drupalcon app, so it has been rejected :/ i get stress now #fail

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 08/20/2010 - 18:08
I forgot to add a Google logo on my maps in the #drupalcon app, so it has been rejected :/ i get stress now #fail

Ah! Now I know why the train ride takes 16 hours: it's going via Moskow, Warschau and Prague. Sigh.. #drupalcon

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 08/20/2010 - 18:03
Ah! Now I know why the train ride takes 16 hours: it's going via Moskow, Warschau and Prague. Sigh.. #drupalcon