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Drupalcon twitter watch

@snpower I wish it could be #drupalcon everyday of the year (maybe with a one day break for Christmas).

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 22:59
@snpower I wish it could be #drupalcon everyday of the year (maybe with a one day break for Christmas).

@JacobSingh Awww, damn - I missed yours, but saw you in @TheEconomist session, heckling. ;-) Any major differences in approach? #drupalcon

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 22:50
@JacobSingh Awww, damn - I missed yours, but saw you in @TheEconomist session, heckling. ;-) Any major differences in approach? #drupalcon

RT @Skjalf: Hey København Drupal friends: @jhedstro and I will be in your awesome city for 1 last night on Thurs. Anyone up for post-#drupalcon drinks?

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 22:45
RT @Skjalf: Hey København Drupal friends: @jhedstro and I will be in your awesome city for 1 last night on Thurs. Anyone up for post-#drupalcon drinks?

@bmann There was much talk at #drupalcon of using it for #Drupal documentation, and what it would take to build DITA editing/integration.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 22:40
@bmann There was much talk at #drupalcon of using it for #Drupal documentation, and what it would take to build DITA editing/integration.

RT @rokr: heute hat @luckow schöne geschenke von der drupalcon verteilt, vielen dank!

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 22:32
RT @rokr: heute hat @luckow schöne geschenke von der drupalcon verteilt, vielen dank!

heute hat @luckow schöne geschenke von der drupalcon verteilt, vielen dank!

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 22:27
heute hat @luckow schöne geschenke von der drupalcon verteilt, vielen dank!

Looks like the Drupal Con San Francisco site is down. #drupal #drupalcon

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 22:21
Looks like the Drupal Con San Francisco site is down. #drupal #drupalcon

Hey København Drupal friends: @jhedstro and I will be in your awesome city for 1 last night on Thurs. Anyone up for post-#drupalcon drinks?

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 22:06
Hey København Drupal friends: @jhedstro and I will be in your awesome city for 1 last night on Thurs. Anyone up for post-#drupalcon drinks?