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Repeat for the weekday crowd: Excellent HTML5 Drupalcon keynote by @adactio well worth watching.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 18:32
Repeat for the weekday crowd: Excellent HTML5 Drupalcon keynote by @adactio well worth watching.

Ugh.. the standard post #drupalcon backlog: email, receipts, blog post, meetings, actual work (that order)

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 18:27
Ugh.. the standard post #drupalcon backlog: email, receipts, blog post, meetings, actual work (that order)

RT @beeradb: For anyone still in CPH -- @mortendk @murgeys and I will be at Mikeller at 9:00 to close out #drupalcon.. nothing too crazy :)

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 18:26
RT @beeradb: For anyone still in CPH -- @mortendk @murgeys and I will be at Mikeller at 9:00 to close out #drupalcon.. nothing too crazy :)

For anyone still in CPH -- @mortendk @murgeys and I will be at Mikeller at 9:00 to close out #drupalcon.. nothing too crazy :)

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 18:24
For anyone still in CPH -- @mortendk @murgeys and I will be at Mikeller at 9:00 to close out #drupalcon.. nothing too crazy :)

Will nuestro técnico ha llegado de Drupalcon con muchas ideas para poner en marcha, en los diseños web con Drupal. #Drupalcon #Drupal

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 17:59
Will nuestro técnico ha llegado de Drupalcon con muchas ideas para poner en marcha, en los diseños web con Drupal. #Drupalcon #Drupal

Anyone know when #Drupalcon presenters will get a rollup of the feedback on their sessions? For SF they were available right on the site.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 17:44
Anyone know when #Drupalcon presenters will get a rollup of the feedback on their sessions? For SF they were available right on the site.

after #drupalcon cph,I _seriously_ see the lack of umlaut letters on my keyboard as a real issue.This missing awesömeness is just not right.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 17:34
after #drupalcon cph,I _seriously_ see the lack of umlaut letters on my keyboard as a real issue.This missing awesömeness is just not right.

Jeremy Keith's excellent keynote on HTML5 from #drupalcon in video: Actually it has very little to do with Drupal :-)

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 17:28
Jeremy Keith's excellent keynote on HTML5 from #drupalcon in video: Actually it has very little to do with Drupal :-)

Wow. March 2011 is conference heaven: Drupalcon Chicago: Then SXSW: Can I swing both?

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 17:14
Wow. March 2011 is conference heaven: Drupalcon Chicago: Then SXSW: Can I swing both?