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@drnikki And go to the Drupal BBQ on Monday to relive some of DrupalCon. Are you going?

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 09/04/2010 - 03:19
@drnikki And go to the Drupal BBQ on Monday to relive some of DrupalCon. Are you going?

Drupal News: DrupalCon 2010 and the future of Drupal | Social media agency ...

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 09/04/2010 - 02:31
Drupal News: DrupalCon 2010 and the future of Drupal | Social media agency ...

Hey @nicelobster, I really enjoyed your #drupalcon session. Great stuff :) Thanks for sharing!

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sat, 09/04/2010 - 01:48
Hey @nicelobster, I really enjoyed your #drupalcon session. Great stuff :) Thanks for sharing!

Spent the last 3 days recovering from #DrupalCon (shut yeah!), and had my parents visit us for 2 days (pretend fun!). Back to slave drivin'.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 09/03/2010 - 23:49
Spent the last 3 days recovering from #DrupalCon (shut yeah!), and had my parents visit us for 2 days (pretend fun!). Back to slave drivin'.

Errr okay so now I understand why they aren't on YouTube. Those idiots just deleted mine, because (drum roll) it's too long. /cc @drupalcon

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 09/03/2010 - 21:49
Errr okay so now I understand why they aren't on YouTube. Those idiots just deleted mine, because (drum roll) it's too long. /cc @drupalcon

DrupalCon 2010 and the future of Drupal: Last week a few members of the FreshNetworks development team went over t...

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 09/03/2010 - 21:43
DrupalCon 2010 and the future of Drupal: Last week a few members of the FreshNetworks development team went over t...

congrats RT @jredding It's official!! DrupalCon is a US 501c3 non-profit. One year and a lot of work but we're off and running! @drupalassoc

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 09/03/2010 - 21:34
congrats RT @jredding It's official!! DrupalCon is a US 501c3 non-profit. One year and a lot of work but we're off and running! @drupalassoc

Oh no! I walked in late to #DrupalCon keynote, and only now saw in a video that @Dries had a slide of the @linuxjournal cover! Thanks!!! :-D

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 09/03/2010 - 21:28
Oh no! I walked in late to #DrupalCon keynote, and only now saw in a video that @Dries had a slide of the @linuxjournal cover! Thanks!!! :-D

Why aren't these @drupalcon videos on YouTube in the first place. I want to add subtitles. Now uploading mine.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 09/03/2010 - 21:20
Why aren't these @drupalcon videos on YouTube in the first place. I want to add subtitles. Now uploading mine.

Reading DrupalCon 2010 and the future of: Reading DrupalCon 2010 and the future of Drupal – Last week a few member...

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 09/03/2010 - 20:41
Reading DrupalCon 2010 and the future of: Reading DrupalCon 2010 and the future of Drupal – Last week a few member...

DrupalCon 2010 and the future of Drupal: Last week a few members of the FreshNetworks development team went over t...

Drupalcon twitter watch - Fri, 09/03/2010 - 19:53
DrupalCon 2010 and the future of Drupal: Last week a few members of the FreshNetworks development team went over t...