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RT @JHellings: I have high-performance C++ experience but no knowledge of #drupal core or writing PHP extensions. Any collaborators interested? #drupalcon

Drupalcon twitter watch - Mon, 08/30/2010 - 01:53
RT @JHellings: I have high-performance C++ experience but no knowledge of #drupal core or writing PHP extensions. Any collaborators interested? #drupalcon

#drupalcon videos starting to popup on looking forward to going through them all

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sun, 08/29/2010 - 23:50
#drupalcon videos starting to popup on looking forward to going through them all

@snicers we got #epic feedback for drupalcon. But then please be ready to help london in 2011, or with the upcoming eu camps

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sun, 08/29/2010 - 23:14
@snicers we got #epic feedback for drupalcon. But then please be ready to help london in 2011, or with the upcoming eu camps

@davereid I'm having the same experience with audio on #Drupalcon video.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sun, 08/29/2010 - 23:07
@davereid I'm having the same experience with audio on #Drupalcon video.

someonw checked the #drupalcon videos at . I tried with 3 and I couldn't ready anything. the quality sucks

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sun, 08/29/2010 - 22:59
someonw checked the #drupalcon videos at . I tried with 3 and I couldn't ready anything. the quality sucks

Zurück vom #drupalcon Treffen in #muenchen. Schön war's und informativ. Danke an die 5 Teilnehmer.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Sun, 08/29/2010 - 22:52
Zurück vom #drupalcon Treffen in #muenchen. Schön war's und informativ. Danke an die 5 Teilnehmer.