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Call for papers for Drupalcon Szeged 2008

Submitted by Gábor Hojtsy on Tue, 06/03/2008 - 03:33.
Propose a BoF
Review existing submissions

Update: Session submissions are now closed. We welcome your BoF submissions until the end of Drupalcon.

We would like to let you know that Drupalcon Szeged 2008 session and BoF suggestion submission is now open! Sessions on our four tracks will be scheduled and put into place on the last week of July, so make sure to get your suggestion in by then. BoFs will still be possible to submit on-site, so there is no deadline there.

You have the ability to categorize your session based on the track you submit to. See the brief track descriptions while our track chairs work out the more elaborate summaries for their tracks. You can tag your session with multiple target audiences, a session type and an intended session length. In the case of sessions going to one of our organized tracks, the track chairs will get back to you if any of your intentions are not suitable for the given track (ie. there is not as many long session slots, or the slots are to be used for different session types).

You can also specify co-presenters and provide a description so that attendees can understand your submission and (in case of sessions going to one of the tracks), our track chairs can decide on inclusion in the final program. BoF slots will be attendee scheduled again this year, but we are determined to provide control for you to pre-schedule your BoF submissions as the conference gets closer and we have times for the slots BoFs will go to.