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Voting for sessions and BoFs is open!

Submitted by Gábor Hojtsy on Tue, 07/01/2008 - 19:44.

We just opened voting for session and BoF submissions. We have lots of useful purposes for the votes, so we would love if you could participate in voting for your favorite submissions (and get your submissions in so you can get more votes!). Let's see where will we make use of the vote results:

  • It is less then a month to go before we need to close session submission, and our track chairs will put sessions to place in our program. Your votes will help them decide on the sessions preferred by the community. So they will use the data to support their decisions.
  • We have session rooms of different sizes. We need to have a reasonable idea of what sessions will be more attended to put those to bigger rooms. Trying to do our best, we can only execute this well based on data we get from you! We would like to ensure that no small room is overpacked, while bigger rooms are far from being filled up at the same time.
  • First time this Drupalcon, we have three BoF workgroup rooms, which serve as bigger spaces for focus groups (additionally to the usual open spaces for BoFs). Some BoF organizers asked us to help them gather people around their BoFs, and we'd like to support them in using the bigger workgroup rooms if the interest for their topics is outstanding. Your votes count a lot in helping each of us know which BoFs would be more suitable for the bigger workshop rooms.

If this is not all convincing, all I can say is just go ahead and have your say for any of the submissions (vote on the individual session pages).

Ps. of course we have commenting open on all session and BoF submissions form the start!