Article for conference booklet:
This session will discuss and showcase best approaches to make administrative interface userfriendly and easy to navigate. In the first part, we will discuss common things and problems while designing admin interface (why understanding users is important, designing workflows, not forgetting hidden functionality, and so on...) followed by showcase of admin interfaces from other CMS and applications. In the second part we will talk about rootcandy project. Rootcandy is an admin theme currently under development, which aim is to allow developers to easily "hook-in" and create specific admin interface for theirs projects (clients). We will also discuss future of rootcandy. And finally in the third part we will have a look on current modules available to improve usability of the admin interface.
Bios for conference booklet:
Marek Sotak, co-founder of atomic ant, is a web developer and designer based in London. He has more than 6 years of experience creating customised web applications for clients. His main focuses are usability and building a solid, flexible and extensible framework.