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Drupalcon twitter watch

@joesb I agree - which lesson learnt at #drupalcon to put in to practice first? It's that iron-filing-between-magnets feeling.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 21:07
@joesb I agree - which lesson learnt at #drupalcon to put in to practice first? It's that iron-filing-between-magnets feeling.

@mcarper Thanks for the link. One of the million things I want to follow up on after #drupalcon

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 20:57
@mcarper Thanks for the link. One of the million things I want to follow up on after #drupalcon

RT @JHellings: I have high-performance C++ experience but no knowledge of #drupal core or writing PHP extensions. Any collaborators interested? #drupalcon

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 19:51
RT @JHellings: I have high-performance C++ experience but no knowledge of #drupal core or writing PHP extensions. Any collaborators interested? #drupalcon

@adactio I knew there was a reason I liked you. :-) You just made a sale. Thank you again for speaking at #Drupalcon!

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 17:49
@adactio I knew there was a reason I liked you. :-) You just made a sale. Thank you again for speaking at #Drupalcon!

@skwashd Anyway, nice to meet as well! Come to Prague or we'll meet on #drupalcon London 2011 at the latest. o/

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 17:22
@skwashd Anyway, nice to meet as well! Come to Prague or we'll meet on #drupalcon London 2011 at the latest. o/