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Drupalcon twitter watch

What did people at Drupalcon think about the event? Check out this video on Youtube -> #drupalcon drupalconcph

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 13:59
What did people at Drupalcon think about the event? Check out this video on Youtube -> #drupalcon drupalconcph

yup! RT @murgeys: seems like the dynamic duo got around the #drupalflu #drupalcon not feeling anything :)

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 13:23
yup! RT @murgeys: seems like the dynamic duo got around the #drupalflu #drupalcon not feeling anything :)

DrupalCamp & DrupalCon Germany: DrupalCamp 2011 - Madrid : Idiomas ?: A simple… #drupal

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 13:21
DrupalCamp & DrupalCon Germany: DrupalCamp 2011 - Madrid : Idiomas ?: A simple… #drupal

@BarisW Buy an iPad! You were getting used to it at DrupalCon anyway :P

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 13:13
@BarisW Buy an iPad! You were getting used to it at DrupalCon anyway :P

Nice design on DrupalCon Chicago website. I saw @jmspool do keynote on UI at Design4Drupal Boston. He gives great keynote.

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 13:11
Nice design on DrupalCon Chicago website. I saw @jmspool do keynote on UI at Design4Drupal Boston. He gives great keynote.

unpacked the case with stuff from drupalcon the stickers we used for the pavement will look sooooo cool on a labtop

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 12:47
unpacked the case with stuff from drupalcon the stickers we used for the pavement will look sooooo cool on a labtop

seems like the dynamic duo got around the #drupalflu #drupalcon not feeling anything :)

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 12:28
seems like the dynamic duo got around the #drupalflu #drupalcon not feeling anything :)

@mortendk it seems that releasing them to public domain would preserve them for Posterity and keep the memory of drupalcon cph alive forever

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 12:18
@mortendk it seems that releasing them to public domain would preserve them for Posterity and keep the memory of drupalcon cph alive forever

isnt this the BADcamp logo? #drupal wonder if we should release the drupicons from drupalcon cph?

Drupalcon twitter watch - Tue, 08/31/2010 - 12:03
isnt this the BADcamp logo? #drupal wonder if we should release the drupicons from drupalcon cph?