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Drupalcon Szeged wifi and code sprint sponsors help us get stuff done

Submitted by Gábor Hojtsy on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 14:26.

Finding a conference venue with good wifi for hundreds of Drupal geeks is not easy. Since these conferences grew big, it was always a challenge to work out. This year, we also started planning early on ensuring good wifi coverage for the event. Our venue has some wifi coverage, but it was not adequate in itself. We asked for cable based internet for speakers, we set aside a BoF area with switches so if you bring your ethernet cables, you'll be able to plug in and we even ordered a computer cabinet with English speaking setups for those without their laptops.

But to solve good wifi for the Drupal crowd, we needed a professional partner. Thanks to university connections, and our venue's dedicated people, we managed to strike a sponsorship deal with Cisco, so we get the equipment to set up on the broadband university network. People at the university are working hard on configuring the network for us to ensure a good experience over all days of the event.

We also have some surprises for those staying for the code sprint this time. You might have heard that the second edition of Pro Drupal Development is out. We will hand out 15 free copies of the e-book version for code sprinters thanks to the publisher Apress! Another natural fit for code sprint sponsorship is ActiveState, makers of the popular Komodo IDE. They provided two Komodo IDE licenses and some Komodo shirts for hard working coders.

I'd like to hereby thank all three for their support for the conference and for helping us get stuff done at this Drupalcon again.

darrenmuk's picture

The launch date for the Pro

The launch date for the Pro Drupal book (according to Amazon UK) is 27th August. Coincidence?