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MediaRSS and PicLens

swentel's picture
Submitted by swentel on Sun, 07/13/2008 - 15:22.
Session time: 
08/30/2008 - 09:00 - 08/30/2008 - 10:30
Conference booklet summary and bio
Article for conference booklet: 
Media RSS (MRSS) is an RSS module used for syndicating multimedia files (audio, video, image) in RSS feeds. It was designed in 2004 by Yahoo! and the Media RSS community, and adds several enhancements to RSS enclosures. PicLens is Browser extension which reads in such an rss feed and provides your visitors with an immersive slideshow experience for rich media on your website. If you don't have the plugin installed, PicLens Lite can be enabled to use a flex application. It makes browsing images on the web SuperSexy and now your site can also profit from this technology.
Bios for conference booklet: 
Kristof is a senior Drupal developer at Krimson with a focus primarily on module development. His first baby steps with Drupal were around 2005 and since then, he's been hooked helping out the community on irc, writing modules, testing out patches and spreading the word to everyone interested in web development.


Media RSS (MRSS) is an RSS module used for syndicating multimedia files (audio, video, image) in RSS feeds. It was designed in 2004 by Yahoo! and the Media RSS community, and adds several enhancements to RSS enclosures. PicLens is Browser extension which reads in such an rss feed and provides your visitors with an immersive slideshow experience for rich media on your website. If you don't have the plugin installed, PicLens Lite can be enabled to use a flex application.


* What is MediaRSS and what's the format
* Showcase of PicLens extension
* Introduction to Piclens Module and sub-modules and API
* Plan for the future: mediarss api in core or separate contrib?


Cool demo of piclens and getting more media maintainers interested to implement hook_media_rss_items into their projects.

Resources : piclens module : piclens module in action : mediarss specification