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15 minutes (lightning)

Magyarországi Drupal Konferencia megbeszélés

pp's picture
Submitted by pp on Sat, 08/30/2008 - 09:08.

Only for hungarian speakers :D
Kiket várunk
Mindazokat várjuk, akik érdeklődnek a rendezvény iránt, vagy szeretnének segíteni a konferencia szervezésében.

Guitar Module Showcase

flobruit's picture
Submitted by flobruit on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 17:08.
Session time: 
08/30/2008 - 11:00 - 08/30/2008 - 12:00

This is a small informal presentation of the guitar module ( which lets you put guitar chord diagrams on your website.

Depending on the interest, we can go through how to use the module, how it works, potential use cases and planned features.

Mapping with Drupal and Mapnik

jmiccolis's picture
Submitted by jmiccolis on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 20:56.
Session time: 
08/30/2008 - 13:30 - 08/30/2008 - 14:30


Mapnick is an opensource mapping framework that generates great maps, you can read more here. This is intended to be an high-level discussion about using mapnick as a WMS server, setting it up, what it does, how it can be extentended. We'll talk about integrating Drupal with mapnik using lightweight tools to create beautiful maps.


We'll talk about:

  • What mapnik does.
  • How to get it running.
  • Interfacing with Drupal.
  • Alterative ways to handle location data in Drupal.


MediaRSS and PicLens

swentel's picture
Submitted by swentel on Sun, 07/13/2008 - 15:22.

Session recording

Session time: 
08/30/2008 - 09:00 - 08/30/2008 - 10:30


Media RSS (MRSS) is an RSS module used for syndicating multimedia files (audio, video, image) in RSS feeds. It was designed in 2004 by Yahoo! and the Media RSS community, and adds several enhancements to RSS enclosures. PicLens is Browser extension which reads in such an rss feed and provides your visitors with an immersive slideshow experience for rich media on your website. If you don't have the plugin installed, PicLens Lite can be enabled to use a flex application.


* What is MediaRSS and what's the format
* Showcase of PicLens extension
* Introduction to Piclens Module and sub-modules and API
* Plan for the future: mediarss api in core or separate contrib?


Cool demo of piclens and getting more media maintainers interested to implement hook_media_rss_items into their projects.

Resources : piclens module : piclens module in action : mediarss specification