This is a small informal presentation of the guitar module ( which lets you put guitar chord diagrams on your website.
Depending on the interest, we can go through how to use the module, how it works, potential use cases and planned features.
The same way Google has summer of code, this idea is to have something like Google year of code.
We're talking about a website where the community can collectively fund projects (ie bounties), design them collectively and fund them collectively.
This session is to hear your thoughts and ideas about the matter.
* FOSS Factory, an introduction
* Does the community need this model
* If so, what's the idea way of using it (ie implemented within the drupal website or left as an external site)
* what kind of problems would be posted on it, what level of expertise would be required to solve them.
Basically I would like to know if this idea makes sense at all, and if it does, I would like to know how to make it happen.
please see
Extra BoF Spot for the Usability Sprint
Group working on the Node Forms
This is the third session of a series of 4. Participants will pick up where we left off, and continue to design for the tasks they chose.
CiviCRM is a constituent relationship management system that integrates with Drupal.
That's the simple version of the story.
Now here's what was overheard at Port Royal last night: 'Dude -- do you not realize the ground you're walking on is littered with corpses?'
Don't let the next lot of corpses include yours.
If you're working (fighting) with CiviCRM now, if you've worked with it in the past, or you know that you'll be needing to use it in the future, come along and we'll share experiences, tips, and code.
UPDATE: Yes, I brought bribes! Themers, designers, coders, users: we want your feedback on our new book, "Front End Drupal." Bring your ideas, enter yourself in a draw for a copy of the book AND get a free flickr pro account. This BoF is on the THIRD FLOOR (stay on the lunch side and go up four levels) at 3PM TODAY (Friday).
Konstantin and Emma are writing a new book, "Front End Drupal" for Addison Wesley. We hope it will provide designers with a great dead-tree-media reference and inspiration on how to theme Drupal 6. We're very excited to be writing it! True to the open source ethos of, "release early, release often and listen to your customers" we'd like to give you a sneak peek at the book we're working on.
Come and give your two cents on our chapters to date, and throw some of your own ideas into the hat on what you think would make a great book!
PS By attending this session you will be eligible to WIN A FREE COPY of Front End Drupal! Yay! Winning! Free stuff!
Mapnick is an opensource mapping framework that generates great maps, you can read more here. This is intended to be an high-level discussion about using mapnick as a WMS server, setting it up, what it does, how it can be extentended. We'll talk about integrating Drupal with mapnik using lightweight tools to create beautiful maps.
We'll talk about:
Some 40 Indymedia sites worldwide are now using Drupal, with different approaches to solve some of the general and specific requirements of their sites and collectives.
Other collectives are currently migrating their sites from other CMSs to Drupal.
* exchange ideas and updates face-to-face, sharing what's done
* Discuss and develop the survey
* discuss ideas for a basic install profile
Ubercart is well on its way to a Drupal 6 release (codenamed Uber Tuber). As of this posting, 26/32 modules have been migrated. However, these are quick API migrations without a lot of retooling that would drag out the update process. Uber Tuber will be similar in functionality to the 1.0 release, just compatible with Drupal 6 and sans a few external dependencies.
As was laid out in our development roadmap, we're planning further core improvements and Drupal 6 API updates for a 3.0 release. We have a good idea of what many of these improvements should be, but we want to do some serious brainstorming with other developers and themers with some planning toward actual implementation. We're excited about the new features Drupal 6 brings to the table and can't wait to fully embrace them in Ubercart.
As such, we invite anyone to attend who is interested in Ubercart on Drupal 6 or has knowledge of how the core changes from Drupal 5 to Drupal 6 might benefit Ubercart. We also aren't ashamed to admit that many of our core systems have proven less helpful for developers and themers than we initially imagined. As such, anyone who wants to see changes in the Ubercore should attend and provide feedback on how things can be easier.
Please see the "Optimization" paragraph related to Drupal 6 in the development roadmap for more information.
* Update on the current status of Drupal 6 development.
* Discuss core Ubercart API improvements.
* Discuss theming improvements:
- General core improvements
- Updates for improvements in Drupal 6
- Address invoice templates
- Anything else?
* Discuss performance improvements:
- Using 'file' for menu items
- ... ?
* Discuss internationalization improvements:
- Country/zone system overhaul
- VAT!
* Discuss improvements in the contribution process.
Drupallers who attend this BoF will get up to speed on the state of Ubercart development in Drupal 6. Further, we'll be planning many improvements for Ubercart that will be worked into Ubercart 3.0 and recruiting as many people as possible to help in the work!
* Ubercart 2.x-dev -
* Development roadmap -
* Migration status -
Related sessions
Drupallers looking for a more general introduction to Ubercart should consider attending Introducing Ubercart instead. Most of the features will be the same for Ubercart 2.0, so that session should prove more helpful!
We'll also be performing A Hands On Guide to Module Development in which we will discuss the things we've done wrong and are starting to do right in module development. The session will include an example of developing a module that integrates with Ubercart.
* This session was posted as a BoF but could be turned into an actual session with enough interest. We would keep the tone informal, but could reach a broader audience with the larger space if necessary.
Drupal 6 includes a simple lazy-loader for page callback functions. Drupal 7 will feature a completely automated introspective code registry, allowing Drupal to skip the most time consuming part of a page request: The bootstrap. But how can you structure your modules to take full advantage of this new world?
Join Larry Garfield (Crell) and chx (chx) to discuss and develop a set of best practices for module design to take optimal advantage of the registry. Expect some discussion of OOP practices as well, since it's Larry and chx. :-)
* What the code registry is and why it is. (Larry and chx)
* What the code registry is not. (Larry and chx)
* OK, so how do we use it? (discussion)
* Draw up recommended guidelines to be included in the handbooks.
You should come away from this session knowing how to speed up your modules dramatically through a simple cut and paste operation. We also intend to have a publishable set of guidelines for all module developers to help them do the same.
Past discussion and issues: (Drupal 6 page callbacks) (the registry issue)