grown up in Bavaria and Black Forrest with Schneider/Amstrad CPC (wow, 64kb of memory...), Basic, PC (Hercules Graphics <:), Pascal, Delphi ... until the WWW came along.
1997: First Websites
1999: First PHP Sites and CMSes
2001: Bachelor of Computer Science (Thesis: "Mobile Objects in Distributed Agent Systems" (Java))
2001: Launch of - digital nobudget filmmaking community, one of the big communities for this topic in the german-speaking area (at the moment being migrated to Drupal, of course ;). This is interesting, since it was built on a custom php/mysql CMS that had some basic concepts in common with drupal (type-agnostic node-concept) ... had i just known Drupal in 2001...
2004: Master of Science (in Media) (Thesis: Location Based Consumer-oriented Services)
since 2004: Freelancer, Consulting and Developing Web Projects
Hobbies: Cooking, Hiking, Biking, Spending time out in the sun - and movies, filmmusic...
filmmaking & filmediting: worked on trailers, short- & feature-films; mainly as editor, e.g. Racing Beats or the award-winning low-budget martial-arts pic Kampfansage.