20+ years of implementing financial & logistic information systems, 10+ years trainer in project management, since 2006 exploring possibilities of 'open source', focussing on Drupal since I felt over the years: Good management of content is crucial (and not simple).
My experience is all our information systems took a lot of energy to make them. And added value? Profits versus costs (in time/money)? I really feel ashamed of lots of projects I was part of: profits at the end are not seldom much lower as promissed.
I like the spirit in 'open source'-areas, where I feel lot of open source-believers are in search for "a more fair deal".
As a attempt to interest more people for open source in general, and Drupal as a good example, 'Learn Open Source' training sessions are developped and promoted to potential talent for open source projects.
Rest of biography: A lovely wife and 3 children studying from which I feel comfortable support while I am busy building on my dream: making sustainable energy work on a profitable basis (www.learnopensource.net/organisors)