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Booking hotel now or later possible?

andrey's picture
Submitted by andrey on Fri, 06/20/2008 - 16:51.


I'd like to pay my conference ticket right about now. But I'm totally not sure about the hotel yet. Will it be possible to book it later?

joachim's picture

Subscribing -- same

Subscribing -- same question.

Can I pay for my ticket through the site now, and choose a hotel and pay again through the site for that later?

Gábor Hojtsy's picture

rooms not last for long

Rooms will not last for long. For one, people will quickly book the room you might have in mind for yourself. Otherwise, it is just one month before we need to close the room booking system to avoid paying for rooms people would not take. So there is not much room (pun intended) for hesitation.

Anyway, there will be no automated means to extend or modify registrations in a future date, so you would need to resort to manual interventions, payment and confirmation (use the registration problems contact form), which might take quite a while and again might not ensure you get the room you wanted.

andrey's picture

Gábor, thanks for

Gábor, thanks for clarifying this issue.

The thing is there will be a few friends attending. But they are just completely undecided yet on where to stay (some of them have friends in Szeged...). We'll see.