Submitted by Gábor Hojtsy on Tue, 06/24/2008 - 00:12.
That might mean that single rooms are out, and you were late to catch one of those. As far as I understand your intentions, we don't have the service you are looking for. I heard of several people who found accommodation via other means in locations we are not selling rooms at. So feel free to dig around a bit.
You can try to talk with C&T yourself outside of our service (see their contact info at but you might not get a better deal with a one-on-one room booking offer then what we have for slightly bigger rooms, compared to what you'd expect to get.
single rooms are out
That might mean that single rooms are out, and you were late to catch one of those. As far as I understand your intentions, we don't have the service you are looking for. I heard of several people who found accommodation via other means in locations we are not selling rooms at. So feel free to dig around a bit.
You can try to talk with C&T yourself outside of our service (see their contact info at but you might not get a better deal with a one-on-one room booking offer then what we have for slightly bigger rooms, compared to what you'd expect to get.