Take some time to visit this collection, which is unique in Europe. Since the mid ‘70s, a great effort has been done to collect mementos of the advances in informatics. As a result, the collection currently contains more than 10,000 units, weighs about 180 tons, of which several still capable of operation. Even though you need to do some advanced negotiation to access the collection, it is well worth visiting.
Web: http://www2.u-szeged.hu/infmuz/Kepek.htm
Address: Szeged, Budapesti út 5.
Public transportation: bus lines 11Y, 79
Opening hours: needs negotiation on a per visit basis, contact Dr. Mihály Bohus at infmuz@mail.u-szeged.hu or +36-30-4660996
Prices: free
Looks interesting
Although that site could use some Drupaliciousness :)