This conference brought the community feel like 24/7 vs. just being in the venue.
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Any business or consultant using Casetracker. We will compare notes, discuss use-cases and helper modules.
This was rescheduled.
Using it in two projects, so would have been great to be there. Unfortunately it was late when I became aware of it.
Me too. :(
This was a good session, I have notes about ticketing for 3 companies and will be collating them.
There is some agreement to join forces and build some specs. I'll co-ordinate this.
oh, missed it
Using it in two projects, so would have been great to be there. Unfortunately it was late when I became aware of it.
Me too. :(
Me too. :(
This was a good session, I
This was a good session, I have notes about ticketing for 3 companies and will be collating them.
There is some agreement to join forces and build some specs. I'll co-ordinate this.