Article for conference booklet:
Panels2 is a powerful engine for marshaling and organizing your website and its content. It can stitch together disparate data from all over your site (or even outside it) into a consistent and coherent presentation for your end user - and it can do it all via a drag-and-drop UI. We'll start the session by looking at some examples of what that means, both for individual drupal modules and building out whole sites.
But really, that's all old news. Interesting, but still old. So for the second half of the session, the focus will be on future plans for Panels. In other words, we'll talk about Panels3. Details will be revealed in the session, and we'll make sure to reserve some time towards the end for comments and ideas. We're still very much in the planning stage with Panels3, so it'll be a great time to make your thoughts known.
Bios for conference booklet:
Sam started working with Drupal in late 2007, and joined Earl Miles (merlinofchaos) as co-maintainer of Panels at the beginning of March 2008. He lives in the States in Chicago, IL, where he works two days a week for
Links here - where?
You wrote (links here) for some sites, but the link did not really appear. Can you fix? I guess that the links were filtered.
Ahh yes - sorry!
Yeah, sorry - I composed this session proposal originally without access to internet, and I forgot to replace that placeholder when I submitted it. Thanks for noticing - it should now be fixed.