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Lecture style

Drupal + Solr = Love

voidberg's picture
Submitted by voidberg on Thu, 08/28/2008 - 02:01.
Session time: 
08/30/2008 - 13:30 - 08/30/2008 - 14:30


Apache Solr is a search server built on top of Lucene which offers an HTTP interface, faceted search, caching and replication. Drupal has already a module (ApacheSolr) which does a very good job but which doesn't use some of the more advanced features. This talk will introduce them to you and will show you how you could use them to build cool stuff with Drupal.


* Introduction to Solr
* The ApacheSolr module
* Schema
* Request handlers
* Input parameters
* Cache warming
* Geolocation: Localsolr and C-Squares


The goals of this BoF is to introduce people to Apache Solr and show them how they can use it in Drupal.


Bringing Semantic Web to Drupal

gandalfar's picture
Submitted by gandalfar on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 23:21.

Session recording

Session time: 
08/28/2008 - 15:00 - 08/28/2008 - 15:45


Semantic web is a popular buzzword in Web industry today. Some even call it Web 3.0. There are a number of different ways to extract meaning from content. Some of them will be discussed with a more detailed case study of Zemanta, a tool for automatic suggestions for content while it's being created.


* Short overview of semantic web
* Tools and API's
* Zemanta, UI decisions and things to think about


The goal of this session is to learn a few things about current state of startups in this field and to see how one of them did integration into Drupal.


* Freebase Parallax -
* Zemanta Drupal module -

Demo: developing rich ajax drupal components with no coding

yarokbyd's picture
Submitted by yarokbyd on Mon, 08/25/2008 - 01:53.
Session time: 
08/29/2008 - 09:00 - 08/29/2008 - 10:30


The demo will show ajax tooling technology from ArtwareSoft.
We will show how you can take your existing drupal components such as views and data types and empower them with specialized interactive javascript UI.
The demo will focus on building the components with no coding, using both simple WYSIWYG approach for the simple cases and a rich specialized DSL with ajax IDE for the more complex cases.


* Demonstration
* Discussion about the best ways to facilitate and exploit such a technology in the Drupal community.


Participants will meet and like the new technique, use it for their needs and contribute more styles, repository controls and drupal adapters for it.


Attendees are welcome to bring sample Xml's from which we will generate together the desired interactive views.

Acquia Introduction – How Acquia Is Working to Improve Your Drupal Experience, and Your Customer’s too

jay's picture
Submitted by jay on Thu, 08/07/2008 - 17:02.

Session recording

Session time: 
08/29/2008 - 11:00 - 08/29/2008 - 12:00


Acquia cofounders Dries Buytaert and Jay Batson will describe Acquia’s vision, preview the upcoming launch of Acquia’s distribution and subscription offerings, and discuss how the company functions as a member of the Drupal community.


  • Overview
  • Product offerings – distribution and network services
  • Support philosophy and approach
  • Partner program
  • Community participation
  • Q&A


To provide an overview of Acquia’s business plans, the value Acquia offers to both Drupal users and Drupal companies, and how Acquia collaborates within the Drupal community.

Rasmus Lerdorf keynote - Simple is Hard

rasmus's picture
Submitted by rasmus on Wed, 08/06/2008 - 12:39.

Session recording

Session time: 
08/27/2008 - 13:30 - 08/27/2008 - 14:30

We seem to be addicted to complexity and often fail to find the simple and obvious solutions to problems. This hurts performance, scalability and security and perhaps other things too?

Drupal in the Cloud

mindlace's picture
Submitted by mindlace on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 20:13.

Session recording

Session time: 
08/30/2008 - 11:00 - 08/30/2008 - 12:00


A "Cloud" offers a virtualized datacenter infrastructure that allows you to build your own network applications. In this session, we'll cover an approach to implementing Drupal in the cloud using the popular Amazon Web Services as the cloud service.


What with this cloud stuff?
An overview of what clouds are and what they're good for.
Drupal on Amazon Web Services
APIs, tools, and techniques.
Persistence issues and solutions
Where to store /files & database backups.
Cluster management overview
Clusters go great with clouds. Here's some cluster tools and services, some cloud specific some not.
High availability in the cloud
The issue of reliability in the cloud, and an overview of deploying redundancy and failover
Auto-scaling in the cloud
Killer app of Clouds is being able to grow your site on demand; here's some popular ways to do it.
Future of clouds
Providers other than Amazon, DIY clouds, and more.


After this session you should have a good idea of the possibilities available to you when deploying Drupal in the cloud, and a good enough technical understanding to deploy a Drupal server in the cloud.


You can get a general understanding of cloud-based deployment with only a general understanding of the LAMP stack; to get the most out of this session you should be familiar with setting up Drupal on a fresh linux install using only the command line.

Indexes and denormalization: keys to scaling sites with massive content

David Strauss's picture
Submitted by David Strauss on Wed, 07/30/2008 - 22:35.

Session recording

Session time: 
08/27/2008 - 16:00 - 08/27/2008 - 16:45


Relational databases store, index, and retrieve data using using predictable patterns. Indexing data well -- but not excessively -- requires understanding indexing overhead and usage by query execution planners.

But, even the perfect indexing plan layered on top of existing tables cannot satisfy all needs: relational databases have significant limitations for indexing data. Particularly, they cannot index data across multiple tables. While Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server provide some in-built tools (materialized views and indexed views) for alleviating this limitation, users of open-source databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL must consolidate and preprocess data to scale popular services.

The Denormalization API streamlines the process of consolidating node data into tables structured for radical scalability.


* How is Drupal data stored?
* Overview of indexing tables
* Index data structures
* Query execution plans and indexes
* What is denormalization, and why is it necessary?
* Typical hurdles for implementing denormalization
* Using the Denormalization API


Attendees should leave with an understanding of the benefits and caveats of indexing and denormalizing data. And, if they choose to denormalize, how the Denormalization API can streamline the work.


Attendees should be familiar with Drupal's node system, SQL, and basic database administration.

Patching core for performance

David Strauss's picture
Submitted by David Strauss on Wed, 07/30/2008 - 22:21.


The stock Drupal core has a number of bottlenecks and limitations for high-traffic and enterprise deployment. Many of the top Drupal sites maintain internal, patched versions of Drupal. While each of these internal versions is custom-built, the patches applied and techniques used to maintain the patches are consistent across these sites.


* Popular patches used by high-traffic sites
* When these patches will be in core (or why they're not in core)
* Patch conflicts to watch for
* Deployment strategies to eliminate or minimize downtime caused by necessary changes to support the patch changes
* How to use version control systems to efficiently maintain a patched core without falling behind when the standard core applies security and bug patches. The demonstration will be using bazaar-ng (bzr).
* Other community resources for making this work easier
* Case studies in patching core for performance

Patches/modules considered

* Master/slave replication
* memcached
* Cache Router
* Removing LOWER()
* Database lock removal
* Possibly others


Attendees should leave with the following capabilities:
* How to decide whether patching core is worth the trouble
* How to maintain a patched core


Attendees should be familiar with applying patches and using version control systems.

Google and Open Source, with Highlights from GSoC and GHOP

lh's picture
Submitted by lh on Wed, 07/30/2008 - 19:36.

Session recording

Session time: 
08/28/2008 - 15:00 - 08/28/2008 - 15:45


Leslie Hawthorn from Google will be coming to Drupalcon to talk to us about various open source stuff.

In this talk, Leslie will explore the past, present and future of the Google Summer of Code program, with an emphasis on Drupal projects. She will also cover the genesis and results of the Google Highly Open Participation Contest and future plans for this initiative. She will also briefly cover Google's use of Open Source software, the role of Google's Open Source Programs Office and how & why Google supports Open Source.

Leslie does not speak Magyar, but will definitely make up for her lack of domain expertise there with amusing anecdotes and, possibly, shadow puppets.

Rules - new opportunities for site builders!

fago's picture
Submitted by fago on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 11:23.

Session recording

Session time: 
08/27/2008 - 15:00 - 08/27/2008 - 15:45


The rules modules allows site administrators to define conditionally executed actions based on occurring events (ECA-rules). It's a replacement with more features for the trigger module in core and the successor of the workflow-ng module.

It opens new opportunities for site builders to extend the site in ways not possible before.


* Module overview - What is it and why do I need it?
* Usage example: Build a simple workflow with rules and CCK.
* Advanced features: Rule Sets and scheduling
* How modules can use the rules API to extend it.
* Comparison to the trigger module and drupal actions
* Outlook


By the end of this session attendees will be familiar with the capabilities of the rules module and will know how to make use of it to speed up site development.
Module developers will know how easily their modules can be extended and how to obtain better code reusage by developing with rules.

You should be familiar with popular drupal modules like CCK and Views. Coding skills are not required but beneficial for a better understanding of the short part about the API.