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Drupal in Central Europe: a short history, current status and future

Kristof Van Tomme's picture
Submitted by Kristof Van Tomme on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 08:30.

Session recording

Session time: 
08/27/2008 - 16:00 - 08/27/2008 - 16:45


A panel discussion, that walks through the countries in the region and makes a short sum up of the current community status: the events that are being organized, the localized resources, the member bases and the events that will be hold in the near future.


  • introduction
  • slideshow intermezzo's with data on the communities
  • how got the communities started
  • what kind of events are currently held
  • what projects/events are planned for the future
  • Goals

    Get an overview of the "state of Drupal" in Central Europe. Open a dialog between the different communities that might lead to concerted efforts to grow Drupal.


    An interest in growing Drupal.

    If you are interested in being part of this panel, please send me a message using my contact form.

    Making a useful admin interface

    sign's picture
    Submitted by sign on Fri, 07/25/2008 - 21:03.

    Session recording

    Session time: 
    08/30/2008 - 15:00 - 08/30/2008 - 15:45


    Everytime I work on a drupal based project, I am thinking about users how they are going to add content, set up taxonomy, maintain site and perform other tasks without getting lost on their site. This session will try to showcase best practices in admin interface and I will try to show where rootcandy ( project is at the moment and where it is heading.


    * Several scenarios how to make administration easier
    --* TBC
    * RootCandy theme/module project
    --* RootCandy for developers
    --* RootCandy for users
    * Available modules that can improve administration


    By the end of this session, attendees will see more possibilities in improving admin section and benefits of making admin section userfriendlier.

    Closing remarks

    Kristof Van Tomme's picture
    Submitted by Kristof Van Tomme on Thu, 07/24/2008 - 11:31.

    Session recording

    Session time: 
    08/30/2008 - 16:00 - 08/30/2008 - 16:45

    Recap of the conference, farewell until the next Drupalcon.

    Drupal world domination: translating interface and content

    Gábor Hojtsy's picture
    Submitted by Gábor Hojtsy on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 15:40.

    Session recording

    Session time: 
    08/27/2008 - 11:00 - 08/27/2008 - 12:00


    There are numerous tools to help you translate the interface and content of your Drupal websites, and there are obviously (still) missing items in the implementation. This session will show off Drupal 6's capabilities and the latest developments with contributed modules, such as i18n module and l10n_client.


    * What do you need vs. what Drupal does
    * How to get closer the two with core features and contributed modules
    * Translating the interface live with l10n_client, contributing to an l10n_server
    * Content translation, listing, filtering and administration
    * What's missing, and where projects are going


    I intend to provide you with an understanding on where Drupal core and the contributed modules fit with your needs and goals, and where should you still expect some custom coding required for your top-notch multilanguage site.

    Indymedia BoF

    clara's picture
    Submitted by clara on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 11:33.
    Session time: 
    08/28/2008 - 16:00 - 08/28/2008 - 16:45

    Some 40 Indymedia sites worldwide are now using Drupal, with different approaches to solve some of the general and specific requirements of their sites and collectives.
    Other collectives are currently migrating their sites from other CMSs to Drupal.

    * exchange ideas and updates face-to-face, sharing what's done
    * Discuss and develop the survey
    * discuss ideas for a basic install profile

    Drupal in Libraries

    Cary Gordon's picture
    Submitted by Cary Gordon on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 00:50.

    This is a BoF for librarians and library technologists.


    * What libraries need from Drupal
    * What libraries and librarians bring to Drupal
    * Version migration issues and challenges
    * Integrating with library systems

    Usability Sprint, Day 3

    yoroy's picture
    Submitted by yoroy on Sat, 07/19/2008 - 02:41.
    Session time: 
    08/30/2008 - 13:30 - 08/30/2008 - 14:30

    Fleshing out the plans is here:

    Looking for co-hosts!

    - do a card sort on the admin categories
    - discuss the different 'dashboard' approaches people already use
    - choose 2 options we want to compare / test

    another example:
    - let's pick a nice chunk of core interface text: labels, descriptions, help
    - rework them for clarity, consistency and brevity.

    BoF Usability Sprint Day 2

    build prototypes: on paper, in photoshop and/or code
    or: further work on interface copy, start documenting the copywriting guidelines we find.

    BoF Usability Sprint Day 3

    Test conceptcode with the Usability Testing Suite
    Or work on concept some more, take it to the Code Sprint.
    or: create patch for interface copy and start the guidelines handbook page on

    Usability Sprint, Day 2

    yoroy's picture
    Submitted by yoroy on Sat, 07/19/2008 - 02:39.
    Session time: 
    08/28/2008 - 16:00 - 08/28/2008 - 16:45

    Fleshing out the plans is here:

    Looking for co-hosts!

    - do a card sort on the admin categories
    - discuss the different 'dashboard' approaches people already use
    - choose 2 options we want to compare / test

    another example:
    - let's pick a nice chunk of core interface text: labels, descriptions, help
    - rework them for clarity, consistency and brevity.

    BoF Usability Sprint Day 2

    build prototypes: on paper, in photoshop and/or code
    or: further work on interface copy, start documenting the copywriting guidelines we find.

    Usability Sprint, Day 1

    yoroy's picture
    Submitted by yoroy on Sat, 07/19/2008 - 02:36.

    Fleshing out the plans is here:

    BoF Usability Sprint Day 1

    * zoom in on 1 or 2 issues we already decided upon before the conference
    (redo admin categories, modules page, permissions page…)
    * bring your ideas and proposals
    * discuss the options, decide on 1 or 2 things we can work on.

    - do a card sort on the admin categories
    - discuss the different 'dashboard' approaches people already use
    - choose 2 options we want to compare / test

    another example:
    - let's pick a nice chunk of core interface text: labels, descriptions, help
    - rework them for clarity, consistency and brevity.

    Using Node Access

    agentrickard's picture
    Submitted by agentrickard on Thu, 07/17/2008 - 18:18.

    Session recording

    Session time: 
    08/29/2008 - 15:00 - 08/29/2008 - 15:45


    This session, run by the authors of Organic Groups and Domain Access, will give an introduction to the workings of Drupal's node access system.


    * What is Node Access?
    * How does it work?
    * What modules provide node access?
    * Exploring the current API
    ** Enabling node access
    ** Defining access realms
    ** Defining access grants
    ** hook_node_access_records()
    ** hook_node_grants()
    ** db_rewrite_sql()
    ** Changes from D5 to D6
    * Common problems and issues
    * Best practices for using node access


    New users should come away with an understanding of the features and limitations of the node access system. Programmers should come away with the ability to write a node access module, using the existing API. Everyone should come away thinking about how to make the system better.


    See the node acccess example module for background.